Alipay retains its top spot in this year’s ranking, while Apple Pay climbs higher with its expanded financial services ecosystem
Alipay retains its top spot in this year’s ranking, while Apple Pay climbs higher with its expanded financial services ecosystem
JPMorgan Chase, China Construction Bank, and Emirates NBD claimed leading spots in this year’s ranking, with JPMorgan Chase standing out in retail financial performance and digital customer base
The top 10 digital banks saw revenue grow from $41 billion in 2022 to about $49 billion in 2023
Rising borrowing costs, reduced demand, and stringent credit barriers have dampened growth prospects, and these factors are unlikely to shift given the current economic climate
US banks’ return on equity declined due to higher loan-loss provisions, while Denmark’s Danske Bank reported the steepest drop, primarily attributed to the Estonia money-laundering case, which resulted in a significant net loss in 2022
China's e-commerce rebounded in 2023, with Pinduoduo's remarkable performance surpassing that of Alibaba and Alibaba responded with the 'Year-End Good Price' festival, emphasising a 'low price strategy.'
Al Rajhi Bank in Saudi Arabia remains the leading global Islamic bank, with Middle Eastern counterparts surpassing Asian ones in scale and profitability, while Asian Islamic banks exhibit stronger asset quality
Banks in the Middle East and Asia Pacific showcased outstanding operational efficiency, with Qatari banks achieving exceptional cost-to-income ratios by leveraging superior IT infrastructure, offering cost-effective digital services, and tailoring branch networks to cater to smaller populations
Despite economic challenges and shifting consumer trends, China’s Double 11 sales increased, placing Pinduoduo as a formidable contender in the fiercely competitive e-commerce sector
Four banks in Bangladesh on the TABInsights Bank Watch List reported an average gross NPL ratio of 17.8% in FY2022, while Indian banks demonstrated improved asset quality, with none making the list, highlighting resilience to economic fluctuations
In 2023, China’s domestic systemically important banks grew to 20, led by China Merchants Bank in the TAB Global 1000 World’s Strongest Banks 2023 ranking, but some still require more capital despite improved capital ratios
Thirty-seven banks held assets surpassing $1 trillion, distributed among 16 in Asia Pacific, 13 in Europe, and eight in North America, representing 51% of the top 1000 banks’ total assets; overall asset growth has decelerated, with the US and some European nations experiencing steep declines and countries like Egypt demonstrating resilience